The beginning of every chapter (kaaND) in Ramcharitmanas is a description of the image of Sri-Raam. This post presents these descriptions with the translations. The words of the poet, Tulsidas, are the colors, the chhanda is the canvas, and the woven words are the painting. The metaphors form the ornaments, and the devotion imparts animation to the imagery.
yanmaayavashvartti vishvama-*
khilaM brahmaadidevasuraa
yatsattvaadamRRiShaiva bhaati
sakalau rajjau yathaaherbhramaH |
yatpaadaplavamekameva hi
vandehaM tamasheShakaaraNa-
paraM raamaakhyamiishaM hariM ||
I revere Lord Hari, known by the name of Sri-Raam, who is superior to and lies beyond all causes, whose delusions sway the entire universe including gods from Brahma (the Creator), downwards and demons, whose presence lends positive reality to the world of appearances, and whose feet are the only willow for those who are eager to cross the ocean of mundane existence.
prasannataaM yaa na gataabhiShekatastathaa
na mamle vanavaasaduHkhastathaa|
mukhaaMbujashrii raghunandanasya me
sadaastu saa manjulamangalapradaa ||
May Sri-Raam bring splendor and bliss in my life, Whose lotus like face is indifferent, i.e., which didn't become happy on the news of possession of the throne or didn't become sad due to the news of exile to dreary forests.
siitaasamaaropitavaamabhaagaM |
paaNau mahaasaayakachaaruchaapaM
namaami raamaM raghuvanshanaathaM ||
I bow to Raam, Who has delicate blue-lotus like organs, Who is adored by the presence of Sitaa (Lakshmi) on His left side, Who holds fiery arrows and beautiful bow in His hands, and Who is the gem in the lineage of Raghu.
tanuM piitaaMbaraM sundaraM |
paaNau baaNasharaasanaM-
kaTilasattuuNiirabhaaraM varaM ||
raajivaayatalochanaM dhRRit-
jaTaajuuTen sa.nshobhitaM |
siitaalakshmaNasa.nyutaM pathi-
gataM raamabhiraamaM bhaje ||
I sing glory of Raam, Who agglutinates happiness into our life, Who has a beautiful blue cloud like body, Who is adored by a beautiful yellow robe, Who is eternally beautiful, Who has bow and arrows in hands, Who has a quiver ornating His waist, Whose eyes are like red blooming lotuses, Who is adorned with a tuft of hair-locks, Who walked through the forests, Who is continuous respite for eyes, and Who is accompanied with Sitaa and Lakshmana.
kalimalapradhvansanaM chaavyayaM |
sundaravare sa.nshobhitaM sarvadaa ||
sukhakaraM jaanakiijiivanaM |
dhanyaaste kRRitinaH pibanti-
satataM shriiraamanaamamRRitaM ||
The souls are blessed who incessantly live on the nectar of the name of Sri-Raam, Which is responsible for the creation of Brahma and other knowledge-bodies, Which destroys the malignity of Kaliyug, Which is indifferent or unchanged, Which is constantly shining like a moon inside the mouth of Shiva, i.e., Shiva consistently chants the name of Raam, Which brings forth happiness, and Which is the life of Sitaa.
shaantaM shaasvatamaprameya-
managhaM nirvaaNashaantipradaM |
maniishaM vedaantavedyaM vibhuM ||
raamakhyaM jagadiishvaraM sura-
guruM maayaamanuShyaM hariM |
vandehaM karuNaakaraM raghu-
varaM bhuupaalachuuDaamaNiM ||
I sing praises of Raam, Who is indifferent, Who is eternal, immeasurable in any way and dispeller of sins, Who bestows us with nirvana and peace, Who is served by Brahma, Shiva, and Shesh alike, Who is talked about in Upanishads and Vedas, Who creates splendor, Who is the Lord of this whole universe, Who is the supreme teacher, Who took the form of a human, Hari, Who is the abode of mercy, and is the best jewel among the rulers witnessed on earth.
raamaM kaamarisevyaM bhavabhaya-
haraNaM kaalamattebhasi.nhaM |
yogiindraM GYaanagamyaM guNanidhim-
ajitaM nirguNaM nirvikaaraM ||
maayaatiitaM sureshaM khalavadhani-
rataM brahmavRRindaikadevaM |
vande kandaavadaataM sarasija-
nayanaM devamurviisharuupaM ||
I sing praises of Raam, Who is served by the slayer of Kaamdev, i.e., Shiva, absolves the fear of cycle of life and death, a lion for mad elephant like Kaal (time), Who is supreme among knowledgables, beyond the scope of knowledge, abode of all the qualities, undefeated, without qualities and desire, formless, beyond the scope of Maya, supreme to demi-gods, destroys cunning and wicked, only reverred one for Brahma and saints, Who is like a beautiful blue cloud, Who has lotus like enticing eyes, and is the Lord of the earth (Urvi).
kekiikaNThabhaniilaM suravaravila-
sadviprapaadaabjachihnaM |
shobhaaDhyaM piitavastraM sarasija-
nayanaM sarvadaa suprasannaM ||
paaNau chaapanaaraachaM kapinikara-
yutaM bandhunaa sevyamaanaM |
naumiiDyaM jaanakiishaM raghuvara-
manishaM puShpakaaruuDhaM ||
I bow prostrate to Raam, Who has a blue body like the neck of a peacock, is adorned with the foot-mark of a saint on chest^, the abode of splendor, decorated in yellow robes, Who has beautiful lotus like eyes, always happy, Who holds bow and arrow in His hands, Who is accompanied by monkeys on the Pushpak, Who is served by Lakshmana, and is Lord of Jankii (Sitaa).
* Due to line-width restrictions, each charaNa in the poem is broken into two lines. I apologize for the inconvenience to the readers.
^ Bhrigu, the son of Brahma, was once appointed to test who is greatest among Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. During the test, Bhrigu smashed his feet over chest of Vishnu. Since then Vishnu has the mark of Bhrigu's or Brahman's feet over His chest.