Thursday, May 12, 2005

Excerpts from the Kanak-Dhara-Stotra by Adi Shankaracharya

Goddess Lakshmi has a celestial of praises, hymns, and prayers around Her. Among the few I have seen, I like Kanak-Dhara-Stotra the most; its poet is Adi Shankaracharya. The stotra has a beautiful story behind itself. Once, Adi Shankara was roaming with His disciples for bhikshaa, i.e., begging. During the course, they came across a very old feeble woman with a really dilapidated hut. She had nothing but an amla to eat. However, out of virtue, she gave the amla to Adi Shankara and preferred to remain hungry instead of turning away the visitor. Adi Shankara was moved by her dedication and improvised, what is known as, the Kanak-Dhara-Stotra. After the stotra finished, Goddess Lakshmi appeared over the thatched hut and showered numerous gold coins to make the old woman rich^. I am presenting a very small portion, about 1/6th, of the whole stotra. The full stotra can be found at the following site on Sanskrit.

Kanak Dhara Stotra


1) Salutations for the Goddess with blooming lotus like face, Who was born in the Ksheersagar^^, Who came out from Ksheersagar along with amrit or nectar of immortality, and Who is dear to Narayana, i.e., Lord Vishnu.

2) Salutations for the Goddess who rests on a ice-color lotus, Who leads the whole celestial universe into their actions, Who is beyond the mercy of nature and its maintainers, i.e., devataa, and Who is dear to conch-shell holder, i.e., Lord Vishnu.

3) Salutations for the Goddess, Who is the daughter of Bhrigu, Who is seated on the chest of Lord Vishnu, Who is prosperity in every form, Who resides in a beautiful milieu of lotuses, and Who is dear to Damodara, i.e., Lord Krishna or Vishnu.

4) Salutations for the Goddess who brings forth light into everyone's life, Who has lotus like eyes, Who is an essential part in creation, Who showers prosperity in this universe, Who is prayed and worshipped by devataa, and Who is dear to son of Nanda, i.e., Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu.


^ All the atheists, please, this is history and has records. Do not slander this event here.
^^ Lakshmi came out after Ksheersagar was churned for years alongwith other divine entities. Amrit or nectar of immortality also came due to the same process and hence Lakshmi is referred as its sister.

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